I write this inspired by Georges Perec's essays on questioning the mundane, specifically "Approaches to What?" and "Notes Concerning the Objects that are on my Work-Table" from the "Brief Notes on the Art and Manner of Arranging One's Books" collection. I appreciate the idea of questioning the habitual and capturing the state of being in words, not allowing for shaky recollection to be the main source of information of my life. I will attempt to write down what constitutes my home office work table at the current moment. The topic especially rose in importance since I'm currently in second long-term lockdown imposed on New Zealand due to COVID-19 and have to do all my work from home.
The table that I have is a relatively cheap student table that I have purchased about a year and a half ago. I remember selecting it especially due to a long plank that elevated the back of the table that I saw perfect for holding the monitor. I've since removed that plank, due to the setup taking up too much space. It used to have two drawers in, and was taking up about half the table space. The only remains of that shelf are the back panel that is somehow essential for the structure of the table and cannot be removed, as well as several holes in the surface of the table, where the shelving was set up. I usually attempt to hide those holes beneath the objects on the table, but some still end up sticking out, especially the ones close to the left and right edges of the table. Still the table doesn't have nearly enough space for me to feel comfortable.
As I write this, the table shakes tremendously. It has a school-table like leg setup, where the legs on each side connect together at the bottom, as well as connecting over with beams at the back and on the ground. It results in table essentially balancing on one wide leg. It also doesn't help that the table is stationed on carpeted surface.
In the center of the table is my monitor. Its stand is not high enough (I try to maintain the top of the monitor to be slightly above my eye level), so it stands on a mocha-colored box from my router. It substitutes the missing height perfectly. I tend to do most of my activities on the table with the monitor, whether its work with connected laptop, or playing the PS4 that is stationed on the ground under the table (in the right-back). The monitor shakes along with the table as I type. It often causes discomfort in me, and recently I have been struggling to look at it for long, as it would hurt my eyes.
On the monitor stand, as well as the supporting box there are various small items. Prominently, there are rolls of tape, both paper and transparent. I used to use paper tape in my bullet journals to give them an artistic feel, but they've since come into dis-use. Two of the rolls are used as stands for two stones - one green sphere that I've brought from China, and another black and egg-shaped that I've bought in a local gift shop. I would often hold them when I got them, as the process of my hands warming them up felt anxiety-reducing, as if they were taking away bad energy. I haven't held them in a while now. The narrow transparent tape is mostly used for keeping my headphones plugged into my phone. There's a tin of thinking putty on the monitor box, which I sometime get my hands on. It's green and sparkly. In the center of a stand, a stack of square papers is placed. I often use them for quick notes, which I deem unworthy of putting in my journal. Sometime I use them when I stand up from bed during the night with an idea that I ought to write down, but don't want to turn the light on. At the front face of the box, a sticker of a bird is placed. I don't know what this bird is, but its look breaks up the monotony of the cardboard.
To the right of the monitor is the dock for my laptop, with wires sticking out. Monitor, internet, power cables. The dock connects to the laptop which I often keep closed when I work with the monitor. If I do that I use a small Bluetooth keyboard that I keep on the table. It annoyingly doesn't have several command keys which slows down my work sometimes (or at least it feels like it). The keyboard is placed right in front of the monitor stand. Along with keyboard there is a Bluetooth mouse on a square mouse pad, placed on the right of the keyboard (as I am right-handed). The pad keeps collecting dust and I'm not sure how to properly clean it up. Sometimes I prefer to use laptop alongside with the monitor. Perhaps to utilize a second monitor or to use its touch and pen capabilities. In those situations, laptop trades places with the keyboard.
To the right of the central work area is the "transition area" of objects. A lot of objects come and go in there, mostly its food or drinks I've set up for myself. Right now there's a cup that I had a chocolate tea from and my 2L water bottle that I usually place beside my bed. I usually remove dirty dishes and place them near the sink in the kitchen. In the Far right corner of the table I keep the two cases of my two pairs of glasses. I mostly use the glasses in the closer case (it has an interesting almost tear-drop shape). That is due to them having a protective blue layering that seem to give my eyes some protection from looking at the monitor all day. The wrapping of paint has peeled off on one side of those glasses, which I'm embarrassed off. Fortunately unless someone keeps check of color of my glasses, that shouldn't be noticeable. My other glasses, black in the brown case, are in a bit of a better condition. Both pairs are quite old though, and I ought to update my prescription.
Another surface that has been established as transition area is the top surface of the wardrobe that stands to beside my table. I've attempted to use it as a standing work station, but it is unfortunately tad too short and narrow. I put books and journals on it, usually previous volumes of my bullet journal that I often come back to. On the side of the wardrobe two motivational notes are taped : "There's just life" - the words which my mom has stated (in Russian) when I was describing her my worries. I hope it reminds me to be active and observant in the moment, not worrying too much about of what-ifs and also not leaving things up to the future me. The second note, under it states "Don't let the day pass by". Both notes are written by me in gothic-style lettering.
I assume that the right of my table is taken to be "transitional area" due to my bed stopping me from shifting my chair in that direction.
The left side of my table is pretty messy. On the front, there's my trusty bullet journal that I write in and refer to daily. Currently a previous volume is placed on top of it. I opened it as it has a small illustration of my room. I've drawn it a while ago, inspired by the song of Oingo Boing "Private Life". It contains the table I'm talking of right now, and is attached to this writing. Beside the notebook is the pen that I use to write in it - uniball eye micro. It’s a gel pen, which often smudges, but I have found it to be the most satisfying and reliable. I usually keep it with cap closed, but at the moment it is open. If the pen runs out, I have a stash of spare ones, which I try to keep full. Those pens are placed with other stationary in a stripy box under my monitor. I do not use most of that stuff, as I've chosen my pen. They capture a history of different pens I've picked up over the years - mostly ball-point ones. Some I've bought in large packs, some got as promotional material from companies. Of the items that I use from that box main ones are the scissors, black with blue inlay, a sharpened (long ago) pencil, as well as some highlighters. I never use the ruler or the stapler (which is hanging facing away from me, to not perturb my sight). In front of the box a small eraser is lying. Two highlighters are lying nearby as well - one that I use in current bujo volume and the other that I've used in previous one. I tend to use one color of highlighter per volume to maintain a clean look. They come in pastele colors. Current one is blue, and previous one is red/pink.
Standing over my journal is a foldable table lamp. Its plenty clunky and I don't use it often. It often causes shine/reflections on the monitor. A book of stickers, sketchbook, coupon for coffee discount, a book stand and a plush toy of an owl stand to the left of the lamp. Nearby, lie paper corner-bookmarks I've assembled (and some that I didn't).
My phone is there also, along with the white cable that charges it and the charging stand of my smart watch.